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P.S. A lot of the fics I'll be talking about contain explicit sex/violence. I won't be quoting or going into detail, but I'll probably be making some kind of remark about it. So, if you get squeamish at the mere mention of sex and/or violence, this probably isn't the blog for you.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Views on Harry Potter

Harry Potter?

OF COURSE. It's Harry Potter! Need I say more?

Which characters?

Hermione! I related to her quite a bit, so I love reading stories about her. I've tried reading stories told from Harry's perspective, but most of the ones I've read were so OOC that I couldn't continue. I've read a handful that were told from other people's POV, but I don't seek them out. I mainly just read ones about Hermione.



Yes, Draco was a whiny little brat for most of the series, but most of the fics I enjoy take place after the war. I think the combination of the war and just growing up in general would make it likely that he could have matured significantly in a short amount of time. I generally don't read fics that take place while they were going to Hogwarts, especially not ones where they're both Heads. I don't think he could have grown up that quickly. Unless he was a Veela, and I love those fics!

Hermione/Remus and Hermione/Sirius

For these two, it's time travel all the way! Well, most of the time... Hermione definitely has to be an adult if there's no time travel involved, preferably at least in her 20s. In this case, the fics I've read that I've liked have generally been Hermione/Remus, and happen to be ones that involve some type of werewolf-mate interaction. With time travel, I don't really have any preferences about the pairing or Hermione's intentions towards the timeline.

Hermione/Charlie, Hermione/Fred, and Hermione/George

Out of all the Weasley children, I like the idea of Charlie with Hermione the best. I never really thought that Ron and Hermione would make it as a couple, Percy is too annoying, and Bill is married. As for Fred, while he may have died in the last book, in the world of fanfiction he is often alive and well (which makes me happy!). I don't really think Fred or George are great fits for the Hermione in my mind's eye, but I have stumbled across a few fics that I liked.

Hermione/Harry or Hermione/Ron

When I first started reading fanfiction, I did read quite a bit of Hermione/Harry stories. However, as I got older I began to read them less and less because the ones that seemed interesting were too romanticized or they came up with ridiculous reasons to get them together. There are a few that I enjoy, but I don't keep up with Hermione/Harry stories as much as I do other pairings. As for Hermione/Ron, I just don't really see it. Their personalities seem to clash too much for them to make a real relationship work.

Hermione/Severus or Hermione/Women

I don't have an issue with Snape himself or with anything LGBT related, I just can't picture Hermione with Snape or with any women. I don't mind anything slash/femslash, but for the HP fandom they won't be the main focus.


There are a few other guys that I can see Hermione with, but these are rare since it depends entirely on the author's ability to create a good story.

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